Sunday, July 15, 2018

Connector Leaks - Part 3 - Suited 2-Gappers

Aaaaaaand, Part 3 here we go. This section deals with suited connecting hands which have a gap of 2 between their ranks (Suited 2-Gappers). With a larger gap it is now harder again to fill a straight. Let's check it out.

Suited Connectors (2 Gappers)

A 2 3 4 5
Ace-Four Suited can make the nut flush and can only fill 1 type of straight.

A 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
Five-Two Suited can make a 5-high flush and can only fill 2 types of straight.

2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
Six-Three Suited can make a 6-high flush and can only fill 2 types of straight.

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8 9 T J Q
9 T J Q K
Queen-Nine Suited can make a Queen-high flush and can only fill 2 types of straight.

9 T J Q K
King-Ten Suited can make a King-high flush and can only fill 2 types of straight.

Ace-Jack Suited can make an Ace-high flush and can only fill 1 type of straight.


Conclusion 1:
A4s and AJs are the only suited two-gapped hands that can fill exactly 1 straight.

Taking action:
We don't need to adjust much here. Obviously we are not removing A4s from our range. It can hit a straight, top pair and also give us the nut flush. It is also a good bluffing hand when we want to attack high fold-to-3bet frequencies. We aren't removing Ace-Jack suited either for the same reasons.

Conclusion 2:
The Suited Two-Gapped hands {52s, 63s, 74s, 85s, 96s, T7s, J8s, Q9s} all have exactly 2 ways to make a straight.

Taking action:
These hands make straights half as often as suited connectors. Some of the higher ones like T7s, J8s, Q9s can conceal hidden monsters in multiway pots, so I play these sometimes depending on the situation (But very rarely). I almost never play {52s, 63s, 74s, 85s, 96s} but I sometimes throw one of these hands in if I think it will balance my range.

I am very focused on playing hands that have multiple ways to win at showdown. Suited 2-Gappers need to be played carefully in pots with plenty of dead money to offset their weaker drawing strength.


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