Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Connector Leaks - Part 4 - Suited 3-Gappers

Now for the final part of this series. We look at hands which are suited and also have straight potential. In this case the hands have a gap of 3 between ranks. Let's get into it.

Suited Connectors (3 Gappers)

A 2 3 4 5
Ace-5 Suited can make the nut flush and can only fill 1 type of straight.

2 3 4 5 6
Six-two Suited can make a Six-high flush and can only fill 1 type of straight.

3 4 5 6 7
Seven-Three Suited can make a Seven-high flush and can only fill 1 type of straight.

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8 9 T J Q
Queen-Eight Suited can make a Queen-high flush and can only fill 1 type of straight.

9 T J Q K
King-Nine Suited can make a King-high flush and can only fill 1 type of straight.

Ace-Ten Suited can make an Ace-high flush and can only fill 1 type of straight.


All suited connectors with a gap of 3 between ranks, have exactly 1 way to make a straight. Regardless of what 3-gapped hand it is.

Taking action:
This a very straight forward post. You can see from looking at the hands above that there is no difference between A5s and Q8s in terms of ability to make a straight. The real power in these hands lies in their high card power, ability to hit a flush and to complete a concealed straight later in the hand. I don't personally play these hands very often. When I do play them I limp into multiway pots behind several limpers and try to see a cheap flop. But in general I'm folding these hands (Except A5s which is a decent equity hand to bluff with). Occasionally I will use K9s and Q8s for 3Bet bluffs as they have decent equity when called. But I am far more likely to take this line with a suited connector or 1-2 gapper. It depends on who I'm facing and what the situation at the table is.

So that's it for this short course on plugging suited connector leaks. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I had fun putting it together. If you have any questions please feel free to post them below. You can also tweet me at the links above. Good luck at the tables.



  1. Hello rage!

    I want to ask you a question.
    for example :
    Do you make a difference between
    67s and 76s?
    or 8Qs and Q8s?

  2. Hi there. I'm sorry I missed this comment. I wasn't monitoring this blog for a while as I was on hiatus. No there's no difference between 76s and 67s. They both mean having the six and seven of a particular suit.


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